#!/usr/bin/env bash # Bootstrap script for Void Linux setup green=$(tput setaf 2) normal="$(tput sgr0)\n" cd $HOME printf "${green}\n\n" printf " This script will bootstrap a Void Linux\n" printf " install with packages and the Arc themes.\n" printf " You will be asked for your sudo password.\n\n${normal}" sleep 5 # Sync package index and run updates printf "${green}Updating repo lists and packages${normal}" sudo xbps-install -Suy # Start messing with all the packages printf "${green}Installing applications${normal}" sudo xbps-remove -y firefox-esr sudo xbps-install -y firefox gimp engrampa unzip git automake autoconf make nano deadbeef ffmpeg youtube-dl printf "${green}Installing cursor themes${normal}" sudo xbps-install -y xcursor-themes xcursor-vanilla-dmz # Remove adobe fonts first. They include # a Bitmap Helvetica which makes websites # look like absolute trash printf "${green}Installing fonts${normal}" sudo xbps-remove -y font-adobe-{100dpi,75dpi} sudo xbps-install -y tewi-font terminus-font google-fonts-ttf freefont-ttf printf "${green}Creating git and working directories${normal}" if [ ! -d $HOME/Documents/git ]; then mkdir -p $HOME/Documents/git; fi if [ ! -d $HOME/Documents/working ]; then mkdir -p $HOME/Documents/working; fi # Build Arc Theme and icons # Not deleting repos after in case of future updates printf "${green}Starting build of Arc theme${normal}" sudo xbps-install -y gtk+3-devel pkg-config gtk-engine-murrine gnome-themes-standard cd $HOME/Documents/working git clone https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme.git cd arc-theme ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr sudo make install printf "${green}Starting build of Arc Icon theme${normal}" cd $HOME/Documents/working git clone https://github.com/horst3180/arc-icon-theme cd arc-icon-theme ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr sudo make install printf "${green}Performing cleanup${normal}" sudo xbps-remove -o