baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" Title = "Quad's blog" theme = "peruna" copyright = "© Dominik V. Salonen" [params] paginate = 5 # Social accounts. Link to these accounts are displayed in the header and # footer twitter = "Kuwaddo" facebook = "" instagram = "" googleplus = "" # github = "" gitlab = "" npm = "" codepen = "" dribbble = "" fivehundredpx = "" # 500px flickr = "" pinterest = "" tumblr = "" vimeo = "" youtube = "" linkedin = "" # Disqus shortname disqus = "" # Google Analytics API key. ga_api_key = "" # Logo image. This is displayed ogp image. logo = "/path/to/logo" favicon = "/path/to/favicon" [[menu.main]] name = "Blog" url = "/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Website" url = "" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] identifier = "theme" name = "Theme" weight = 3