# Create an empty config dict config = dict() ## # # Main server configuration # ## config["HOST"] = "" # This string will be used in file URLs that are returned, you will need to include http:// or https:// config["DOMAIN"] = "http://example.com" config["PORT"] = 8282 # Disable this for production use config["DEBUG"] = False # Extended debug will add extra debug output that's not normally provided by flask config["EXTENDED_DEBUG"] = False # Single user authentication, leave blank to disable authentication config["KEY"] = "" # File settings config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"] = './data' config["ALLOW_ALL_FILES"] = True config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"] = set(['txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']) # Will use blacklist if this is enabled. You must disable ALLOW_ALL_EXTENSIONS for this to take effect config["BLACKLIST"] = False config["BANNED_EXTENSIONS"] = set(['exe', 'html', 'js', 'php', 'msi']) # If this is set to true, old files will be deleted. TIME is how far behind (in seconds) the last accessed time can be before files get deleted config["DELETE_FILES"] = True config["TIME"] = 30 config["CLEAN_INTERVAL"] = 120 # Site info displayed to the user config["SITE_DATA"] = { "title": "QuadFile", "size": "100 MiB" # This is only for display, please limit filesizes using your web server }