{% extends "regular.html" %} {% block body %}

Frequently asked questions

Can I use ShareX to upload?

Sure thing! Here's the config: i am link

Import that as a custom uploader and fire away

Can I upload using my phone?

Sure, go ahead. You might even want to add {{ page.title }} to your homescreen.

Who runs this thing

A guy called Quad (Website)

What powers this site?

Purely Python powered and only depends on Flask. The database is SQLite, works alright on SSD.

Is QuadFile open-source?


What is your logo supposed to be?

It's nothing. But if you really need an excuse let's just say that it's a black meteor which represents downloads.

Will you add the ability to do X?

Probably not, this project is pretty KISS. I'm trying to keep it as low-maintenance as possible while still satisfying 95% of the users.

What about the old files I uploaded?

All files from the old {{ page.title }} are still accessible, with the same URLs even.

Where can I donate?

You can't.

This is purely a novelty project for personal use, but it was opened up to the public as a free service. If you really want to donate, consider doing so to my patreon, which covers all my personal projects

{% endblock %}