#! /usr/bin/bash # Hacky script, but gets the job done gui_title="Installer" gui_width=350 file_content="[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Terminal=false Name=TDP Manager Comment=Unofficial TDP manager for GPD Win 3 2 Exec=bash -c 'export PATH=\"\$PATH:${HOME}/.local/gpd-win3/scripts\";${HOME}/.local/gpd-win3/scripts/tdp gui' " finish_message="A .desktop file has been installed in ~/.local/share/applications/ " if [ -z $(which zenity 2>/dev/null) ] || [ -z $(which tdp 2>/dev/null) ] || [ -z $(which git 2>/dev/null) ]; then echo "Missing Zenity, or script collection is not properly installed." echo "Make sure the scripts are in ${HOME}/.local/gpd-win3/scripts" else if zenity --question --title=:"$gui_title" --width=$gui_width --text="This installer will add a desktop entry for the TDP manager's GUI. Meaning you will be able to launch it from your application menu like any other software.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?"; then if zenity --question --title="$gui_title" --width=$gui_width --text="This script collection does not include icons. Do you have your own icon (.png or .svg) that should be used?\nIf you have, answer yes, then select it.\n\nIf unsure, answer no."; then icon_path=$(zenity --file-selection) fi if ! [ -z $icon_path ]; then file_content="${file_content}Icon=${icon_path}" finish_message="${finish_message}And ${icon_path} was used as its icon." echo "Added icon to desktop entry" fi echo "$file_content" > ~/.local/share/applications/tdp-gui.desktop zenity --info --title="$gui_title" --width=$gui_width --text="$finish_message" fi fi