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# QuadFile Version 2
A temporary (or permanent, depending on configuration) file sharing service written in Flask.
# Features
* Automatically remove files that aren't accessed often enough
* Supports all filetypes
* Prevents duplicate filenames
* Works on all platforms (as long as they can use basic JavaScript)
* Both easy to set up and use
* Threaded for effective use of resources
* Color-coded and real-time console log
* Easy to use with most applications, such as ShareX
# Requirements
* Python 3 (Python 2 might work, dunno, i don't test that, don't care either)
* Install flask, currently that should be the only requirement and hopefully forever (``pip install -r requirements.txt``)
# Using the thing
* Clone the repo somewhere
* Do ``cp conf.py.sample conf.py``
* Edit ``conf.py`` so that the information is correct
* If possible, make it listen on ```` and then use something like nginx as a reverse proxy. For security purposes
* ``chmod +x run.py`` and then ``./run.py``
* ???
* PROFIT (Hopefully)