53 lines
1.5 KiB
53 lines
1.5 KiB
import tables
import strutils
import math
proc colorEsc(color: string): string {.gcsafe.} =
# Stored in proc to be gcsafe
let colors = {
"black": 30,
"red": 31,
"green": 32,
"orange": 33,
"blue": 34,
"purple": 35,
"cyan": 36,
"reset": 0
return "\e[" & intToStr(colors[color]) & "m"
proc colorize(text: string, color: string): string {.gcsafe.} =
return colorEsc(color) & text & colorEsc("reset")
proc strCenter(text: string, filler: string = "-", length: int = 10): string {.gcsafe.} =
# Simply truncate and return if it fills the entire length
if text.len() > length:
return text[0..length-1]
# Find remaining characters and how much to pad each side
var remainHalf: float = (length - text.len()) / 2
var remainLeft: int = remainHalf.floor().int
var remainRight: int = remainHalf.ceil().int
return filler.repeat(remainLeft) & text & filler.repeat(remainRight)
proc logFormat(text: string, level: string = "undef"): string {.gcsafe.} =
# Stored in proc to be gcsafe
let colorMapping = {
"Main": "green",
"Error": "red",
"Info": "purple",
"Warning": "orange",
"undef": "cyan"
var prefix = "[" & colorize(text=strCenter(level), color=colorMapping[level]) & "]"
return prefix & " " & text
proc logPrint(text: string = "Undefined error message", level: string = "undef") {.gcsafe.} =
# In separate function in case I need to for example also write it to a file in the future.
echo logFormat(text=text, level=level)
export logPrint